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Rutaxi.Online 3.31.0
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The Rutaxi app allows you to order a taxieasily in all major cities of Russia at a discounted rate. Besidesbeing cheaper than a cab on the street, you don’t have to speakRussian and you may know the price before you travel so youdon’thave to worry about a driver taking the scenic route for moremoney.All you need is a phone with a Russian SIM card. This will allowyou to order a Rutaxi, get order confirmation, status updates andinform you when your taxi has arrived as well as the car model andlicense plate number. If you spend a lotof time in Russia, theRutaxi app can even save your favorite addresses so ordering a taxiis as easy as 1, 2, 3... Besides a flat rate, you may order by thehour.Important info before usingFirst you should know about Russian addresses, they vary fromabroad. Besides having a numerical address, some buildings may haveseveral buildings for one address so you must enter the buildingnumber in the correct field. Also every building may have severalentrances so you must fill in this field too. Ex.: Lenin 75building 2 entrance 3. Also a Russian keyboard found in thesettings section of your phone is required.How to use1. Once you download the app, the first screen which appears willask you to enter a city.2. Now you must register, do this by entering your ten digitRussian SIM card telephone number. Tap the ‘get by sms icon andprompt appears that you are requesting a password. Hit Yes and apassword will be sent to your number. The sms will respond and a 5 or 6 digit password. From there enter yourpassword in the correct field and hit save. You will now bedirected to the order a taxi page.3. Once you tap on the pick up point, enter the first 3 or morecharacters with your Russian keyboard and tap the search symbol. Achronological list will pop up listing possible streets, bus stopsand popular places, tap the desired link. If it is a streetaddress, follow these steps. Tap the street and you will be askedfor a numerical address. As stated before it may require a buildingnumber too. Ex. Lenin could be 74 or 74/1 or 74/2 or 74/a and soon. If there is a building number enter the forward slash / andthen the building number in the house # field. Tap enter, thenenter the entrance number and then hit save. If it is a bus stop orpopular place, highlight the field and hit save.4. Now enter where are you going to in the field marked‘destination address:’ Repeat step 3 and hit save.5. You will automatically receive the cost in rubles. From thereyou may tap make order or add another destination if doing multipletrips by tapping add to point and repeat step 3 again. When youhave added all destinations tap make order.6. You will have a preview of you order, look it over and tap Let'sgo if it is OK.7. The program will tell you its choosing a vehicle and after tellyou the car model, color and license plate number.8. You may also receive a SMS with the same info as above.9. The app will inform you when your taxi has arrived in the statusarea, you may sometimes follow your taxi on the map to see how farit is from you and you will receive an automated call stating thecar model, color and license plate number.
ITS Company
Jetax Taxi Dispatching – A Price You Can CountOn… Want to know upfront what it’ll cost? Then Jetax TaxiDispatching has the answer.Why Choose Jetax:+ Know the final price before you step in the taxi.The application calculates the price for your route before you getin. That price is final and won’t change even if you’re stuck intraffic. The taxi driver will take you by the shortest routepossible and it is in his interest to avoid traffic jams.+ The application will automatically calculate your price,including a minimum 20% off.+ Jetax Is Just Around the CornerYour order will be assigned to the taxi driver nearest to you.Follow his progress on an on-line map. Our system lets youcommunicate with the driver in comfort. Your privacy will berespected at all times – your phone number remains hidden.We’d be happy to hear your feedback on the app (Head of Technical Support)+ User application is free of chargeThe final price (including any discounts) is designated by thecarrier. Jetax Taxi Dispatching – provides a mobile applicationfree of charge.